Hi I'm Aileen

I help Business Owners remove the obstacles to achieving their personal & business goals.

Want more profits, structure and success for YOU from your service business?

Does Your Business Need Help?

Aileen Gallagher has been coaching and training small business owners to dramatically improve their personal and business performance for over fifteen years. From this experience, she recognized that there is a specific sequence of steps that must be put in place in order to create a stable foundation, and long term growth in any service business. Oftentimes, a business that is currently ‘successful’ may not be built on these solid foundations.

If you are a business owner, have you ever felt like this before:

  • feeling personally overwhelmed on a daily basis
  • never having enough time
  • lacking clarity on the direction that you’re going
  • limited systems and structures in the business
  • feeling that there should be more profit
  • having cashflow issues from time to time
  • feeling that the business is still far too dependent on you
  • having difficulty attracting the right employees and even then, they’re not taking full responsibility
  • knowing there’s so much more potential within the business that you just can’t seem to reach

Read Our Latest Articles Here

What’s really stopping business owners getting to where they want to be financially?
So, I’ve been a business coach for over 15 years, but I haven’t coached ‘businesses’, I’ve coached business owners…it’s not[...]
How to reclaim at least 10 hours a week to work ON your business…
Are you the owner of a small business who right now feels that you have absolutely NO spare time to[...]
How to stay focused…and get things done!!
How to stay focused…one of the most common challenges that everyone who’s striving to achieve anything in life has to[...]
4 Reasons to take action now…and stop procrastinating
I speak with business owners every day…business owners who know that their business could be performing better…Business owners who know[...]
How do you manage the ‘family’ in your family business?
The term ‘family business’ - to those not directly involved – denotes romantic images of generations of family members working[...]
The Power of the Daily Huddle
Those clients who are actively and consistently conducting their daily huddles are reaping the rewards. However, isn’t it interesting that[...]